In some cultures, rhythmic movement is a way of life. Groups may dance together. They may set aside time to dance and move. In modern American culture, many of us are focused on work, productivity, juggling children and more. Adult ballet may sound fun, but how does one fit it into their … [Read more...]
Ballet For Kids – Dance and ADHD
As a parent, finding the right activities for your child can take time. For kids with ADHD, it can be even harder. Is ballet for a kids a good activity for kids with ADHD? As it turns out, some researchers have looked at dance and ADHD. If you’re wondering if dance and ADHD can go together, … [Read more...]
Motor Planning And Ballet For Kids
As parents, we want to ensure our kids are developing well in all areas. One important area of development is motor planning. It may come as a surprise, but ballet has immense benefits for children. It’s more than just a fun activity. Motor planning and ballet for kids go hand in hand. At the … [Read more...]
The Importance of Parent And Child Classes
As a parent, you spend much of your time thinking about how to help your child’s development. We know it’s important to talk to them, read to them, and play with them. As they turn from baby to toddler, and toddler to child, we wonder how to continue building a healthy bond. We want to ensure a … [Read more...]
Creative Movement Ballet – Developmental Milestones And Dance
Many young children enjoy ballet. It’s a fun activity with comfortable and fun attire. However, beyond that, creative movement ballet is a great way to help children master developmental milestones. Often, we think of milestones in terms of crawling, rolling, sitting, etc. However, there are many … [Read more...]
The Benefits of Ballet For Preschoolers
As parents, we want to ensure our children have fun, are growing, and they’re developing important skills. Many of us associate ballet with a rite of passage in the early years. We think of ballet for preschoolers with mini leotards and puffy tutus. We think of little kid ballet as cute, but are … [Read more...]
Is Ballet For All Kids?
Ballet is a wonderful extracurricular activity for kids. However, as a parent you might wonder if ballet is right for your child. Is ballet for all kids? In short, absolutely! Ballet is a wonderful activity for children of all ages, abilities, and passions. The International Ballet Academy is … [Read more...]
Why Ballet For Kids Is The Perfect Back To School Activity
As we get ready to go back to school, many of us are planning our children’s fall schedule. We know school takes up most of their day, but we also know extracurriculars have benefits. As you look at your options for fall, know that ballet for kids it the perfect back to school activity. Why? … [Read more...]
Toddler Ballet Classes Near Me
Finding the right ballet class for your toddler is important. Ballet is a fun rite of passage many children enjoy. However, when you’re searching for “toddler ballet classes near me” it can be hard to decide which classes are best. Ballet has significant benefits for all, especially developing … [Read more...]
Is It Good For Kids To Learn Ballet?
We know that ballet is popular. Many children take ballet but is it good for kids to learn ballet? Ballet is a full body workout, exposure to music, and practice with patterns. Are these things helpful for kids? In short, these things are wonderful for kids! It is very good for kids to learn … [Read more...]