We live in a time where kids have access to numerous activities. As parents, it can be difficult to sort through all the options while ensuring we pick the best classes for our kids. Knowing the benefits of classical ballet for kids can help you make a great choice.
One major benefit of classical ballet for kids is they can begin at a young age. While it is not quite true ballet, kids can begin as toddlers in caregiver and me classes. Whatever your child’s age, there are many benefits to trying ballet.
Here are the benefits of classical ballet for kids:
Kids Learn to Follow Instructions
From playing board games to math class, kids need to learn how to follow instructions. For kids, the best way to develop this skill is through play, fun activities, and in a way that does not feel like they are simply being asked to do what someone is telling them to do.
Ballet for kids uses fun gross motor movement, exposure to music, and an overall pleasant and engaging way to learn how to follow instructions. When you begin classical ballet at a young age, your child can easily learn the basics of one, two, and three step instructions – an important developmental milestone.
Self-Discipline Can Be Developed
Along with learning to follow instructions, developing self-discipline is an important life skill. Classical ballet will not teach your four-year-old perfect self-discipline. However, with each class, and as they grow, they will naturally develop more self-discipline.
Ballet for kids is an excellent and fun way to help your child as they grow. Be sure to read Ballet For Kids and Self-Discipline to learn more.
Improved Coordination, Balance, and Body Control
As parents, many of us worry about our kids mastering the alphabet and eventually algebra. While those are important skills, gross motor development is just as important as academic.
In fact, research shows a correlation between gross motor development and cognitive skills. We also see better cognitive function with frequent movement. Kids who are physically active tend to do better in school.
Classical ballet for kids is a wonderful way to help your child improve their coordination. As they master steps and put them together for a dance, they are learning more motor planning and coordination. With each class, your child’s coordination can improve.
Kids will also develop improved balance through the development of their vestibular system and improved muscle strength. As their core, feet, and leg muscles become stronger, they will be able to better balance on varying surfaces.
Ballet also improves body control and proprioception. Proprioception is the body’s sense of understanding where it is in relation to the space around it. When we walk through a doorway, proprioception helps us from bumping into the doorframe. As kids develop more body control and proprioception, they will be less prone to tripping and bumping into things. While it is developmentally normal to do so at times, and even as adults we bump into things, ballet is a great way to reduce the frequency of tripping and bumping into things.
Classical Ballet For Kids Ensures Regular Physical Activity
In a time of lots of screens and long school hours, it can be difficult to ensure our kids get enough physical activity. When your child has frequent ballet classes, it is a great way to ensure they are staying active.
The unique design of the International Ballet Academy means you can fit frequent ballet classes into even the busiest schedule. As soon as you register your child, you will have access to the week’s lessons. Our unique classical ballet academy provides nine months of prerecorded lessons you can do at any time, at your child’s own pace.
However, it also includes live lessons to ensure you can chat with instructors, get feedback, and have the full classical ballet experience in the comfort of your own home.
Ready to get started? Be sure to register now!
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