If you live in a metropolitan, it’s likely easy to locate ballet classes for beginners. For those outside major metropolitan areas, people with busy schedules, etc., finding a ballet class for beginners can be challenging.
If you’re searching “ballet classes for beginners near me” and you’ve found the International Ballet Academy, you are in luck! We offer exceptionally professional classes right near you. We offer Adult Beginner Ballet, and Absolute Beginner Workshop.
Wondering how we know we are near you? We are a fully online ballet academy offering professional ballet classes for all ages.
What Is The International Ballet Academy?
International Ballet Academy is an online professional ballet school that brings the highest caliber of classical ballet training through a state-of-the-art platform. With expert faculty and staff on our team we deliver world renowned training to each student in an efficient and cared for manner.
Online courses have existed for quite some time. However, after the pandemic, it became clear how equally amazing online classes can be to in-person class.
In fact, we all learned that nearly all online classes, including ballet classes, have significant benefits. The International Ballet Academy is a professional dance company with top professional instructors. From caregiver and me classes, through adult intermediate, we offer classes for everyone.
What sets the International Ballet Academy apart is that we only use qualified instructors. Our instructors are not just dancers. Our instructors are qualified professional instructors who know how to teach each stage of ballet.
Ballet is a skill which is slowly built upon. One must master each step before moving to the next. With truly professional instructors, we ensure you learn adult beginner ballet in the safest way possible.
Is Beginner Ballet Right For Me?
Whether you were an avid dancer as a child or you’ve never taken a ballet class, we are the perfect ballet academy for you. Perhaps you’re feeling nostalgic thinking about the joy you felt dancing as a child. Maybe you never got to take classes but still long to participate in the beautiful art of ballet.
Whichever is the case, Adult Beginner Ballet or Absolute Beginner Workshop can meet your beginner ballet needs. Once you have mastered either class, we offer classes up to Adult Intermediate to help you continue to enjoy the beauty of ballet.
What Is Absolute Beginner Workshop?
“Have you always dreamed of learning ballet, but never had the opportunity? Perhaps for you, ballet is what you loved to do growing up but have since lost touch while pursuing another career? It is never too late to fulfill the desire within and start dancing. The Absolute Beginner Ballet Workshop is an introductory course for all. It does not matter how much time has passed; we welcome everyone to learn from the very beginning.”
As you can see from the course description excerpt, this class is ideal for learning the absolute basics of ballet. Creating a good foundation in ballet skills will ensure you have the most enjoyment in progressing through ballet training.
Our instructors pride themselves in their ability to help you learn in and engaging way while ensuring they explain each foundational ballet skill.
What Is Adult Beginner Ballet?
Adult beginner ballet provides step by step classical ballet instruction. Our skilled instructors will help you train whatever your ballet goals are. Perhaps you hope to advance to Adult Intermediate classes. Maybe you simply want an introduction to ballet to enjoy the basics.
Whatever your goals are, our professional instructors can help you reach them. Best of all, you will be training and reaching your goals from the comfort of your own home.
Why The International Ballet Academy?
Regardless of your location, we are the closest and most convenient dance company. Most importantly, we have qualified and professional instructors. We know the importance of proper instruction to master each level of ballet.
If you are still unsure, be sure to read 7 Reasons To Take Ballet to learn more. Ballet has significant benefits and at the International Ballet Academy we’re here to ensure access to all of them.
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